Time Management – Time is on your side!
Who is the seminar for?
Everyone who wants to learn to effectively manage, plan and spend their time.
What will the participants learn?
Students will be introduced to the concept of time management and its importance in a business context. In addition to acquiring basic time management skills, work will be done to determine the personal attitudes of students towards time. The awareness that time management is in fact self-management will be raised.
1 day (8×45 minutes)
Work methods
The emphasis is on practical work in groups (workshop-type of teaching) with a high degree of interactivity.
During the two months after the seminar, participants will:
need to implement the assignments given in the seminar in their daily private or business practice
get from the coach reminders of the task, relevant articles, web links and the like
have 1 free phone or email consultation with the coach.
What is time management?
Conditions for successful time management (life mission as a source of energy, self-motivation, goal setting, positive attitude towards other people and events, positive attitude towards change, overcoming crises)
Who / what are our biggest “time thieves”?
Time management techniques (analysis of the current situation, comparison of the current and desired situation, setting priorities, time planning tools, methods for successful delegation, effective management of meetings)
Assignment of individual tasks and development of a personal plan of further actions
LECTURER: Ms Ines Bezjak Kožnjak
Ines Bezjak Kožnjak is an expert in the field of human resources management. She has many years of experience related to employee development projects of a multinational company. She is also educated in the field of transactional analysis and successfully applies the acquired knowledge both professionally and privately.
As a certified trainer, she hosts trainings for professional development of employees and has been enabling her students to strengthen their own potential for many years. She also lectured at the conference “Women Drivers of Change”. She is the author and editor of a multimedia book on stress management, in the context of organization, people management and personal stress management.
Her area of professional interests is the development of human resources, especially the locked potentials that each person has and that have to be found and unlocked.