+385 91 333 0694
Matka Laginje 1b
47000 Karlovac
Time Management – Time is on your side!
Students will be introduced to the concept of time management and its importance in a business context. In addition to acquiring basic time management skills, work will be done to determine the personal attitudes of students towards time. The awareness that time management is in fact self-management will be raised.
Presentation skills – Impress your audience!
Through highly interactive and practical training, participants will gain knowledge of various presentation techniques and tools that will help to make their presentation more efficient and convincing.
Stress: a bitter, hot or sweet spice of life?
Participants will understand what stress is, become aware of the sources and symptoms of stress, and will practice techniques for preventing it and coping with it.
Upisi u zimski semestar
Prijave za upise u programe traju od 2.11.2021. do 20.11.2021. ili do popunjenja grupe.
Kontaktirajte nas za više informacija.
Educational project management.
Educational project management.
Program is intended for all educators, current and future project managers. To all those who are drivers of change in their institutions, whether it is the establishment of centres of excellence, management of projects to improve the teaching process or the organization of student and teacher exchange in Erasmus + mobility projects.
EU Funds Project Manager Training
Upravljanje obrazovnim projektima
Program Upravljanje obrazovnim projektima namijenjen je nastavnicima i svim obrazovnim djelatnicima, sadašnjim i budućim voditeljima projekata. Svima koji su pokretači promjena u svojim ustanovama, bilo da se radi o uspostavi centara izvrsnosti, projektima unapređenja nastavnog procesa ili organizacije razmjene učenika i nastavnika.
Program usavršavanja za poslove samostalnog/e računovođe/tkinje
Program je koncipiran na način da polaznika usavršava (educira) za djelotvorno vođenje svih poslovnih knjiga uz primjenu računalnog softvera za računovodstvo te za sastavljanje svih financijskih izvještaja, od godišnjih financijskih izvješća do izvješća za potrebe podnošenja poreznoj upravi i drugim relevantnim institucijama.