The initial press conference of the project “CAREER and I” which is implemented within the Operational Program Effective Human Resources 2014-2020 and financed by the European Social Fund in the amount of HRK 31,792,709.24 was held on Sept 17, 2021 in Technical School Karlovac. The project holder is the Technical School Karlovac, along with 21 partner organizations from the education-, civil- and economic sectors.
The project “CAREER and ME” encourages the synergy of education and entrepreneurship in the electrical and computer sector by creating a more competitive, competent and innovative professionals. Developing new conditions through modern infrastructure, equipping specialized classrooms with the most modern equipment, improving existing vocational programs and programs for students with disabilities and people with disabilities with more practical classes and developing new formal and informal adult education programs will result in the acquisition of new skills and competencies needed for future occupations in electrical engineering and computing.
Mr. Bernardo Pahor, Head of the Department for General Affairs, Protocol and Public Relations of Karlovac County, welcomed the guests. The participants were also greeted by the Director of the Technical School Karlovac, Ivan Janković, who gave an insight into the realized and planned activities of the projects. Also, Ms. Draženka Sila-Ljubenko, Head of the Administrative Department for Social Activities of the City of Karlovac and Deputy Mayor of Karlovac County, Ms. Vesna Hajsan Dolinar addressed all the guests. At the end of the meeting, the director of the Agency for Vocational and Adult Education, Mr. Mile Živčić, greeted those present.